What Medical Conditions Qualify for a Texas Medical Marijuana Card?
To qualify, you will need to be diagnosed with at least one of the following state-approved “serious medical conditions”:
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Medical Marijuana
What Is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)?
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS is a disease characterized by extensive damage over time to motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. “Sclerosis” meaning body-tissue hardening. Symptoms of ALS may vary. Early signs and symptoms of ALS include:
- Difficulty walking
- Difficulty doing regular daily activities
- Difficulty Swallowing
- Weakness or tiredness in arms, legs, feet, or ankles
- Weak or clumsy hands
- Slurred speech
- Muscle cramps and twitches in arms, shoulders, and tongue
- Difficult keeping good posture
How Can Medical Marijuana Help with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)?
There is no cure for ALS, however, medical marijuana in its various forms may be used in easing ALS symptoms. Patients indicate that it can help to reduce pain and relax the muscles. This reduction in pain and overall relaxation can also help lift the patient’s mood and promote quality sleep.
How Can I Get My Card to Start Using Medical Marijuana for My Condition?
If you are a Texas resident and you believe that you may have a qualifying condition, then medical marijuana may be a good option for you. If you are interested in getting your medical marijuana card, schedule online today or give us a call at 240-356-1000. We make obtaining your card easy!
Autism and Medical Marijuana
What Is Autism?
Autism refers to a group of developmental disorders that can impair social and communication skills as well as cause behavioral challenges. The symptoms of Autism and their severity vary greatly but typically include:
- Social interaction problems
- Difficulty communicating
- Attention span problems
- Repetitive behaviors
- Self-injuring behaviors
- Anxiety and depression
- Seizures (in certain types of autism)
How Can Medical Marijuana Help with Autism?
Medical marijuana may help ease some of the symptoms associated with Autism by:
- Reducing anxiety and depression.
- Reducing aggressive and self-injuring behaviors.
- Improving sociability.
- Reducing seizures.
- Improving concentration.
- Improving sleep quality.
How Can I Get My Card to Start Using Medical Marijuana for My Condition?
If you are a Texas resident and you believe that you may have a qualifying condition, then medical marijuana may be a good option for you. If you are interested in getting your medical marijuana card, schedule online today or give us a call at 240-356-1000. We make obtaining your card easy!
Cancer and Medical Marijuana
What is Cancer?
Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells divide rapidly, spreading into and destroying surrounding body tissues. There are many different types of cancers.
Each individual cancer patient has a unique development of the disease. As the cancer progressively advances, additional changes happen to the DNA of the patient. Patients tend to be in large amounts of pain as their cancer tumors grow due to either the tumor pressing on their nerves and organs or the release of chemicals from the tumor.
Cancer pain can be light, achy, sharp or burning. The pain can happen in waves or can be constant or sporadic. Pain can be categorized as mild, moderate or severe. The level of pain depends on the type of cancer, how advanced, where it is located and on the patient’s pain tolerance. Controlling cancer pains is an essential part of treatment.
How Can Medical Marijuana Help with Cancer?
Medical marijuana may help fight cancerous cells and slow their spread within the body. It can also help with the symptoms of cancer and the common side effects of other traditional cancer treatment options by:
- Controlling nausea
- Increasing appetite
- Reducing chronic Pain / neuropathy
How Can I Get My Card to Start Using Medical Marijuana for My Condition?
If you are a Texas resident and you believe that you may have a qualifying condition, then medical marijuana may be a good option for you. If you are interested in getting your medical marijuana card, schedule online today or give us a call at 240-356-1000. We make obtaining your card easy!
Chronic Pain and Medical Marijuana
What Is Chronic Pain?
Chronic pain is persistent pain that carries on long periods of time despite medical treatment. Chronic pain may be because of an injury or surgery however chronic pain may also not have a cause. People with Chronic Pain may experience:
- Frequent headaches/migraines
- Joint pain
- Back Pain
- Muscle aches
- Burning pains
- Fatigue
- Problems with Sleeping
- Loss of stamina and flexibility
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Irritability
How Can Medical Marijuana Help with Chronic Pain?
Many traditional pain medications have the potential to cause significant side effects. Opioids, for example, may cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness and can even be fatal.
Medical marijuana is considered a safer option for pain relief because there is no risk of overdose. It also has little to no side effects compared to traditional pain management options.
The cannabinoids found in medical marijuana, predominantly tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), have anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce pain signals to the site of injury or discomfort.
How Can I Get My Card to Start Using Medical Marijuana for My Condition?
If you are a Texas resident and you believe that you may have a qualifying condition, then medical marijuana may be a good option for you. If you are interested in getting your medical marijuana card, schedule online today or give us a call at 240-356-1000. We make obtaining your card easy!
Epilepsy / Seizure Disorders and Medical Marijuana
What is Epilepsy?
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that interrupts normal brain activity and causes seizures. Seizures can range from:
- Uncontrollable body movements
- Staring spells
- Confusion, anxiety
- Complete loss of consciousness
How Can Medical Marijuana Help with Epilepsy?
Medical marijuana may be effective in reducing the symptoms Epilepsy in multiple ways. It has been shown to potentially reduce the number of overall seizures patients experience as well as the severity of seizures that occur. Medical marijuana may also have neuroprotective properties, meaning it can potentially help protect the brain from and nervous system from damage during seizures.
How Can I Get My Card to Start Using Medical Marijuana for My Condition?
If you are a Texas resident and you believe that you may have a qualifying condition, then medical marijuana may be a good option for you. If you are interested in getting your medical marijuana card, schedule online today or give us a call at 240-356-1000. We make obtaining your card easy!
Incurable Neurodegenerative Disease and Medical Marijuana
What is Incurable Neurodegenerative Disease?
Incurable Neurodegenerative diseases are conditions with no known cure that cause the progressive degeneration of nerve cells in the body. Some examples include:
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Huntington’s disease
- Parkinson’s disease
How Can Medical Marijuana Help with Incurable Neurodegenerative Disease?
Medical marijuana may be able to help with the various neurodegenerative diseases in multiple ways. Marijuana contains active ingredients known as cannabinoids, some of which may have neuroprotective properties. This means they could potentially help reduce or slow nerve cell degeneration and death. The cannabinoids and terpenes found in cannabis also show potential anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce pain and ease some of the other symptoms associated with neurodegenerative diseases.
How Can I Get My Card to Start Using Medical Marijuana for My Condition?
If you are a Texas resident and you believe that you may have a qualifying condition, then medical marijuana may be a good option for you. If you are interested in getting your medical marijuana card, schedule online today or give us a call at 240-356-1000. We make obtaining your card easy!
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Medical Marijuana
What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system in which the body’s immune system attacks the protective covering of the nerves. The damage caused by this can then cause communication problems between the brain and the rest of the body. Symptoms vary greatly but can include:
- Chronic pain (usually in the back or eyes)
- Vision problems or loss
- Muscle spasms
- Spasticity
- Coordination problems
- Anxiety and depression
- Insomnia
How Can Medical Marijuana Help with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?
Medical Marijuana may help with Multiple Sclerosis in multiple ways. Patients claim reductions in body pain as well as muscular symptoms such as stiffness and spasms. It has also been reported to help with the mental symptoms of MS by easing anxiety, depression, and insomnia.
How Can I Get My Card to Start Using Medical Marijuana for My Condition?
If you are a Texas resident and you believe that you may have a qualifying condition, then medical marijuana may be a good option for you. If you are interested in getting your medical marijuana card, schedule online today or give us a call at 240-356-1000. We make obtaining your card easy!
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Medical Marijuana
What Is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can occur when a person experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. PTSD is sometimes more common amongst combat veterans and people who have went through some type of abuse. Symptoms of PTSD can vary greatly but generally fall into 4 main categories:
- Intrusive memories
- Avoidance of people and situations
- Changes in thinking and mood (such as anxiety, depression)
- Changes in reactions toward others (such as irritability, agitation)
How Can Medical Marijuana Help with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
Medical marijuana may help decrease fearful responses in the brain as well as to help reduce traumatic memory triggers. This effect helps ease the user of the anxiety and depression that often comes along with PTSD, without the side-effects of many traditionally prescribed anxiety and depression medications. Medical marijuana may also be of great benefit for those suffering from Insomnia, which is another common symptom of PTSD.
How Can I Get My Card to Start Using Medical Marijuana for My Condition?
If you are a Texas resident and you believe that you may have a qualifying condition, then medical marijuana may be a good option for you. If you are interested in getting your medical marijuana card, schedule online today or give us a call at 240-356-1000. We make obtaining your card easy!
Spasticity and Medical Marijuana
What is Spasticity?
Spasticity is a condition in which muscles remain contracted and stiff, which can interfere with the ability to move and speak. It is typically caused by damage to the brain or spinal cord. Common symptoms include:
- Muscle spasms
- Muscle stiffness
- Mobility problems
- Fatigue
- Chronic pain
- Insomnia
How Can Medical Marijuana Help with Spasticity?
Medical marijuana may be effective in alleviating Spasticity in multiple ways. Patients claim a reduction in symptoms such as muscle stiffness, muscle spasms, and overall pain. This in turn allows patients to also enjoy a higher quality of sleep.
How Can I Get My Card to Start Using Medical Marijuana for My Condition?
If you are a Texas resident and you believe that you may have a qualifying condition, then medical marijuana may be a good option for you. If you are interested in getting your medical marijuana card, schedule online today or give us a call at 240-356-1000. We make obtaining your card easy!